Category: AS
AS 3733-1990 Standards PDF
Textile floor coverings – Cleaning maintenance techniques for domestic and commercial carpeting
standard by Standards Australia, 02/09/1990
AS 1671.3-1975 Standards PDF
Methods for the analysis of lead alloys – Higher concentration antimony in lead and white metal alloys containing not more than 2.5% arsenic and 1.0% copper (Volumetric Method)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1975
AS 1125-1974 Standards PDF
Conductors in insulated electric cables and flexible cords (metric units)
standard by Standards Australia, 11/01/1974
AS ISO/IEC 19795.1-2007 Standards PDF
Information technology – Biometric performance testing and reporting, Part 1: Principles and framework
standard by Standards Australia, 07/02/2007
AS 2128-1981 Standards PDF
Progress Certificate
standard by Standards Australia, 12/31/1980
AS 1099.2KA-1978 Standards PDF
Basic environmental testing procedures for electrotechnology, Part 2KA: Tests – Test Ka – Salt mist
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1978
AS C81-1950 Standards PDF
Trailing cables for mining purposes (for circuits where the voltage does not normally exceed 660 volts to earth)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1950
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 10-2010 Standards PDF
Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables – Wind classification C1 – Unseasoned softwood – Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) AS 1684.3
standard by Standards Australia, 06/21/2010
AS 4003(INT)-1992 Standards PDF
Permanent uncoated paper and paperboard
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1992
AS 2220-1978 Standards PDF
Rules for emregency warning and intercommunication systems for buildings
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1978